"I had birthed before with lots of plans, expectations, visualisations and things turned out completely different than what I had in mind. This time I did things differently. No expectations, just acceptance of whatever might come. A few days after my due date, and after a week of cramping, I felt something that was like a contraction (or waves like I will call them from now on) at 4:00am. The waves kept coming every 10 - 15 minutes. I texted my midwife and she recommended I continued with my normal activities. I got ready and head into Byron town where I usually walked my 2 year old and black poodle every day. I parked my car at the same spot and walked like always but the waves kept coming closer, about 7 minutes apart. Surprisingly, this day out of all the others, my husband and I kept meeting with many friends. I felt at the start that I had to act as if nothing was going on while I timed my waves. It was pretty hilarious then telling them what was going on so they didn’t think I was being rude by looking away at my phone! I got checked by the midwife that morning and was 3cm. I went home, made a big batch of red raspberry tea and tried to rest. I zoned out of the world and into my body. After 30 minutes of trying to rest, listening to birthing affirmations, I decided to put on one of my favorite childhood movie (Hocus Pocus, please don’t judge haha!) and just watched it. I kept track of my waves, timing them, while I sat on the birthing/gym ball. I bounced, swayed, and rested over it. I was alone, in my world, in the dark. Everything seemed quiet, even though the voices in the movie kept me company. I hadn’t seen my daughter or husband in a while. He would come in to fill up my water bottle, give me more tea, and say he was there if I needed anything. I felt my waves getting stronger but they didn’t come closer than 5 to 6 minutes. At one stage I felt sick, nauseous, I probably even spewed... and I remembered I felt that way in the transition of my first born. I thought to myself I couldn’t be that far ahead even though the night had crept quickly. I had no notion of time at this phase. I called the midwife saying my waves were not any closer even though they felt stronger. I just wanted to rest. A few minutes later I felt a pressure, a natural urge to push. I told my husband and he called the midwife. The midwife told us to come to the birthing center and just relax there. It was 10pm by the time we decided to leave, pack everything, get in the car, drive and settled in the birthing room at 10:30pm. I got checked and the midwife said: “You better call the birth photographer because you are 8cm!" I couldn’t believe it, I was so happy and ready to birth my child! My husband called our wonderful, quiet and candid birth photographer Alex. She got there really quick and I didn’t realise she was there until a few minutes later! I decided to manage my waves and relax in the birthing pool. The midwife started filling it up. The lights were dim, it was peaceful, quiet, and I got into that beautiful warm water. I felt a stronger pressure and urge to push. Following the waves of my body, I started to push in the pool. Soon after, my baby boy was born at 12:03am, 3.96kgs of beauty, chub and love. My waters never broke until after his head was out. I could feel the amniotic sac like a bubble coming out! It was such an empowering feeling to have birthed without any interventions or time frame, my body and baby making the calls. I was being guided by a strong natural force and during the whole moment, I felt the connection with all the other women that have birthed before me. We are women, made to birth, real life goddesses."
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"During my first birth, my husband and a midwife took some pictures of the birth even though I thought I didn't want any. Looking back at them I was so thankful I had some pictures that reminded me how strong I was and that blissful rush when my child came to this world. The second time I was determined to hire someone to document the birth properly. It was beautiful to see the support of my husband and my midwife being so attentive. I wouldn't have noticed any other way since I was in "birthing-mode". I feel empowered looking back at my birthing pictures. They remind me of the beautiful bond I share with my husband, the beauty, strength and surrender to childbirth and that light at the end... holding our baby in our arms."
"Alex was so lovely. She got there super quick and was very respectful of our space while birthing and bonding with our new baby. She captured the essence of my birth, the love and support of my partner and the celebration of welcoming of our little Jay Stone into this world. She also got the pictures ready very quickly, which was very important to me because thanks to that I had gorgeous pictures to show my family in Puerto Rico."
This birth has also been featured on Natural Parent Magazine website.