Zandra Warland Photography

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Healing and Empowerment - Byron Bay

Our world for such a long time has somehow come to believe that it’s best to keep painful traumatic lived experiences a secret.
Hi, I’m Freer and as a child, I learnt to keep many secrets locked away inside my mind and body. This conditioning created a  fragmented internal landscape inside my existence. I come from a painful past,
where sexual abuse and domestic violence was a normal everyday experience, but not something I would ever dare to share once I left the family home. Secrets have created so much chaos and darkness inside my heart and spirit.

What I’ve come to recognise in my own healing journey is that having the courage to speak up, allows us to experience who we really are. We break free from the illusion of false belonging. The more I learn to trust myself and take risks to embody more love, the lighter I feel inside my soul. It’s here I taste what real belonging feels like. It becomes easier to find courage to embrace the unspoken truth and be a voice for many others that share the same story of trauma and abuse.

Every voice on this planet have a heart that is worthy of been heard with love and compassion
May every survivor that has suffered trauma be free to express love and pain and be met with endless kindness ♥️